Voice of Revolutionary Students

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Call for the resignation of Aaron Porter has President of the National Union of Students

A model motion drawn up by the National Union Of Students (NUS) Executive Committee Members will be sent to universities across the country.The document claims Mr Porter should be stripped of his position because he has failed to back the student protests.

It says:

 "We the undersigned believe that Aaron Porter should be removed as NUS National President as he is unable to lead the student movement.

"His failure to call or even back another National Demonstration, his refusal to back up his promises of support for occupations, his weak stance on police brutality and his collusion with the Government in identifying cuts means he has lost the confidence of the movement.

"We call on activists to bring motions to their Student Unions calling for his removal and an Extraordinary Conference to do so."

Sean Rillo Raczka, Birkbeck University student union chair who wrote the motion told Sky News there is a strong feeling among activists that the president must go.

He said: "Aaron Porter has not been leading the student movement.

"We have seen people on the streets day after day protesting, but he has done nothing."

An NUS spokesman said: "The NUS National Executive Committee is a 50 member strong elected body so there are bound to be disagreements."

He added: "Aaron Porter is not available for comment on this as he is busy working on other aspects of the campaign."

Aaron Porter has been criticised for his handling of the student protests

SOAS student union has already passed a vote of no confidence motion against Mr Porter in a meeting last Friday.

At least 25 student unions have to pass a motion before a vote of no confidence can be considered.

Source: Sky News

BBC Jody McIntyre Interview

Monday, December 6, 2010

From Monument to Movement - Nickglais Appeal to Students

In this poster Lu Xun calls for the destruction of Confucian mindset

It is very clear that our enemies have seen something new in the current student movement against the fees and cuts but have we ?

To often the Left in Britain is concerned with retaining its monuments rather than developing a movement.

The ritual demonstration from A-B is dead but so is the mechanical politics that led there.

When the bourgeoisie fails to incorporate or hi- jack a protest movement it calls on its labour lieutenants of capital to take us down the old social democratic road of the re-election of a Labour Government - old Labour of course !. This is precisely the mechanical dead end that Wedgewood Benn would take has down - but he is not alone a ragbag of trotskyists and revisionists follow the same well trodden path.

I praise the new youthful vigour of the teenage school students on the demonstrations not because I am bowing to spontaneity but praising creativity - the seeking out of new paths to the future rather than back to the old routine of failure so epitomised by the old "wise" Wedgewood Benn founding father of the Coalition of Resistance.

We need to address the question of how we keep the path to a better future open and not become a monument to the past rather than a movement for the future.

This starts with a recognition of what is new and the politics of developing the new.

This is the stage of learning from the masses and unleashing their creativity to prevent the return of the Social Democratic trap - then the movement will flow - smash the monuments build a movement.

Toward a Mass Line for Britain.